
Kemps Presents: Alison Weir – ‘Ghosts & Gruesome Tales of the Tower’





Category: Talk

This event is part of: Kemp's Bookshop Literary Events

Ghosts and Gruesome Tales of the Tower

We are thrilled to welcome back Alison Weir – the UK’s most popular and bestselling female historian  regale us with some chilling ghostly tales from The Tower.

Given all the bloody deeds, violent death and intrigue that The Tower of London has witnessed in its 900 year history, there is little wonder that it has the reputation of being one of the most haunted places in Britain.

Royal and high ranking prisoners have been beheaded on Tower Green, there have been hundreds of executions on Tower Hill, and many parts of the fortress have served as prisons, places of misery and suffering for those who fell foul of the law.

If any place could lay claim to a host of tortured souls and ghosts, it would be The Tower.  Alison Weir talks about some of the grim events it has witnessed, and the ghosts that reputedly haunt it.

Perfect for this time of year – why not come along for a ghostly evening.  After the performance Alison will take your questions and sign copies of her books.

Please Note: This performance is not suitable for children 15 and under.

Alison Weir is the United Kingdom’s most popular and best selling female historian, and has sold over 3 million books worldwide.  Rich in detailed research, Alison’s engaging prose has captured the interest and imagination of countless people, instilling a love of history that has influenced the career paths of historians, historical novelists and teachers, while also greatly increasing knowledge of medieval and Tudor English history among people throughout the world.  She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a honorary life patron of Historic Royal Palaces.